o tempora, o mores!
Suddenly I am impressed at the fact that with me instead of the usual combinations of words, is' and is not 'no sentence more encounters in which no one should' and 'should not' would find themselves. This change takes place imperceptibly, but he is of the utmost importance.
David Hume
With his new book "
99 moral dilemmas " is the Australian philosopher and educator Martin Cohen
after his "philosophical puzzles
99 " again managed a small masterpiece. With more than 99 short stories, some fictional, some with a real background, which includes all an ethical issue, the author takes us into the vast universe of moral philosophy, and he even leaves the reader to find answers. Only in the second part he commented each story by giving us the different approaches of the great philosophers or opened presents the historical background. It shall include the following questions: How important is the local custom, for the moral assessment of a situation? Is man only ethical when he is seen, and he whistled to the moral, if he feels one is watching? Can an offender be held accountable if a psychologist Unzurechenbarkeit adjusts the time of the crime? If moral judgments are fundamentally the situation and time-dependent or universally valid? If the ethics of the entire living world could be expanded; Can there be a just war or a justified killing? Does the end justify the means? To what extent can the language of the rulers of our rules murky sense of justice? Can we assess situations ever neutral? Can it therefore be such a thing as justice? And what is justice?
addition to the many case studies from the human past (up to the present) should be emphasized also the subsequent Glossary positive, in which he received again in a concise brief on various moral philosophical concepts and authors. There, among other things, includes information regarding Islamic Ethics, slavery or for environmental ethics. Under the heading of "lies", it completes the important evidence that leads us to the postmodern philosophy in an ethical impasse, by leading every discourse about morality ad absurdum (if there is no right or wrong, there can be no ethics).
In conclusion, I pick out two of the 99 dilemmas to taste to make the book:
• The School of Terror (79) served in the late 20th Century over 50 years as a state-funded training center for people who are in the succession with the organization of death squads, carrying out extortion, the execution of unwanted People and sow fear and terror among the population of various states were charged. If a school or a bombing attack on the country justified? President Bush stated in 2001: "Any State of the criminals and murderers of innocent people will support, even a criminal or murderer. And that will benefit them for their own destruction. "How true. Only the country that operate in this school
Ford Benning was, unfortunately, the United States under the supervision of the CIA ...
• One-hundred-people-village (97) is dominated by six white men claim all resources for itself. The rest live more or less in misery. If there is a protest against this injustice, is made with superior armed force of the status quo again. Is this a just state? Who would run such a miserable village, or intend to support? But someone probably has this condition actually wanted, because our world
roughly equivalent to the Constitution ...
An entertaining introduction to the philosophy of right action
from English by Rita Seuss and Thomas Wollermann
Serie Piper, Munich & Zurich 2005