Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Kolstoon Hair Color Lebanon

Gaia's evil sister

Basically, I was the article in the spectrum of November 2009 (page 84) be some gain, but I stumbled upon a factual error: "The photosynthesis converts CO2 into oxygen during the aerobic metabolism does the opposite. "That is not. During photosynthesis, water into oxygen and hydrogen is split, and the hydrogen is transferred to the carbon dioxide (it creates sugar) and oxygen as a toxic waste product left when breathing is exactly the opposite... The sugar is extracted from hydrogen and transferred to the oxygen - it is water (! controlled detonating gas reaction) The waste product is along the water course, carbon dioxide

The oxygen does not come from carbon dioxide, but from the decomposition of water. He is a cell poison. Therefore , the enrichment of the atmosphere with oxygen by cyanobacteria, the first ecological disaster triggered: a global mass extinction. Some bacteria (presumably similarly functioning sulfur bacteria) have then learned to use oxygen for energy. Eukaryotes (modern cells) did so only through symbiosis with such bacteria (which are today's "semi-autonomous" mitochondria). The metabolism of eukaryotes is so complex that if any oxygen is a problem. Only a few simple knitted bacteria have managed to come up with the oxygen to law. Therefore, the modern cells were dependent on the bacteria to survive in the new environment.