Similia similibus curentur:
to cure like with like.
This is the basic idea of homeopathy.
Homeopathy was founded by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843).
He made particular efforts to own the means test in its effect and produced then corresponding applications on.
Homeopathic medicines have been found through testing of drugs on the healthy. The Healthy got given some time, the original substance and the symptoms that he developed were recorded meticulously. This resulted in the different drug pictures. Based on these images, the therapist can choose the right or similar means that the symptoms and feelings of the patient is most similar. This makes the self-healing of the patient and excited he can help himself.
What has been proven in humans, can easily be transferred to the animal.
To find the correct homeopathic medicine, the therapist as many symptoms of the sick animal to collect and select the appropriate medication. Play behavior, psychological characteristics, fears, symptoms, day or night conditions, medical history, Impfzustände, pretreatments, etc. play an important role, excretions, appetite, smell, everything is collected and analyzed. The other pillar in addition to the drug test, the intuition and experience of the therapist.
Homeopathic remedies come from the animal and plant kingdoms, or produced from minerals. These basic ingredients are enhanced, ie, they are diluted to a certain way.
on some basic substance are 9 parts water, or milk sugar. These 10 pieces are then 10 times shaken or rubbed. That would be a D1 power. Part D1 is then shaken with 9 parts water, or milk sugar or rubbed, creating the D2 power, and so on.
come to use homeopathic potencies of D 1 to C 2000th From the D30 is called high potencies. The higher powers are, the more energy and less ground substance is present in the composition. Homeopathy is an energetic therapy that has helped many people and animals.
The low potencies are used for acute illnesses and the high potencies (from D100) for chronic conditions.
In some cases there may be known as an aggravation, that aggravate the symptoms First, before a recovery occurs. This is seen as positive, because it is considered a sign that the agent strikes. If the aggravation, however, massively occurs, the agent should be discontinued, and contact with the therapist are included.
Homeopathic medicines are administered in the form of globules, tablets, drops, ointments or trituration. The homeopathic remedy should come in contact with the oral mucosa, they can be absorbed by the body best. The therapist can also inject homeopathic remedies.
The treatment duration is variable and is always discussed with the therapist. To
currently prevailing legal requirements to comply, then the following message: Homeopathy is scientifically controversial and is not recognized by orthodox medicine.
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