life care for animals
If we live with animals is also the process of leave-taking and letting go of our care system leads dazu.Der common life, just because of the shorter lifespan of animals, also to engage with death. Also in the dying process, we can help you and meet their needs.
As many pet owners are overwhelmed with this issue, I would offer to give some help.
Since first the question "When will the child be walking like an animal?" This must of course be considered on an individual case-by-case basis. But would be an issue when it still eats and drinks and are still running around, can not be sure of is the time gekommen.Geben him eat whatever he likes, except of course harmful food that would worsen his condition.
Talk to your veterinarian or animal healers on your animal, because there are homeopathic remedies and Bach flower remedies to ease the last days of the animal and the vet can help with drugs or just cause and the transition brought about.
Take the chance to put up with death apart. Think about reincarnation and be ready for the animal let go. Example, you can let go when you say in front of the animal following:
let love in I let you go. You have to walk to freedom.
Another possibility is the Tierkommunikation.Die animal communication in the dying process or even after death is a way for humans and animals to prepare for the upcoming bye. Perhaps the animal wants something of his people, or it has a message for him. See animals other than human their deaths. You understand and accept the natural rhythm of life, including her own death. The parting can be for humans and animals is a very loving and peaceful event. Also
Reiki by you or given by a Reiki practitioner is a gentle man, and effective method for the transition. And
are also gently to itself, it helps neither you nor your pet if you no longer sleep and too little or poorly essen.Erinnern on to the beautiful moments with your pet, by the fact you can find inner peace.
At the time of death itself, it is important to stay as calm as possible to the animal in transition to make. You may also speak a prayer or mantra Om Mani Padme Hung shri what was already explained this elsewhere in this blog.
A very nice book for the life care is this:
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