My name is Britta Franke and I am self-employed for 23 years as an animal healer, spent many years single parent with 4 children. Although I am one of the better-off people in my industry, I also had the recurring monthly worries: enough money for the rent, the bills and the cost of living? It has always served, but it was often not easy and I worked itself and constantly. In that year, so 2010, I told a friendly Tierheilpraktikerin by the company Life Plus, the products and the business opportunity. After I had then read through the marketing plan, I was hooked. No stock, no sales pressure and very fair income opportunities. You can start a business with about 65, - per month being spent for personal use for himself or for his animals of excellent food and supplements earned on the recommendations. If you should earn you something if you recommend anything to deserve not. No business to get rich quick, but a great opportunity to continually to build a financial freedom. Even now, after about 2 months I can say Yes grows my second leg! Therefore I am looking for interested veterinary practitioners, medical practitioners or even "normal" People who want to go that way. Just request free information by email me at:
Britta Franke britta@gesunde-hunde.de
The cow in the picture is a symbol of wealth and abundance that perhaps you are inspired to the creator of your own life.
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