impact comes around the skull ...
It's amazing how conjure up again and again in the history of power-hungry politicians and those situations which will provide the combat. Thus, it contributes significantly to the destabilization of a society in order to draw their own advantages. They present themselves as savior or redeemer is an unacceptable situation before they have even spoken yet achieve. Most recently done by Dr. Winter in Graz campaign.
is repeatedly spoken of a clash of cultures. These are but the political and brutal clashes of religious groups for supremacy and influence. Wherever possible will see that it is actually about the same cultural association. All three monotheistic religions have the same origin, in large part rely on the same books and prophets, and are strongly influenced by the Hellenistic heritage. Like us Asians appear superficially as a single block, we are all outsiders for a large unit. But the similarity between societies are, the more hope to establish precisely.
The two great representatives, Christianity and Islam have actually done anything wrong. They have known the holy war to enforce power-political goals, both about tolerance and persecution, both have light and dark phases in the history. Currently it looks as if another dark period belongs to us - from both sides. Incitement and accusations are always the beginning.
Christianity, too, is not a genuinely peaceful religion, as it appears today much. In the Bible, God's pogroms are just as dark lines. So says the Jew Yeshua (Jesus) to Matthew 10/34: I have not come to bring peace but a sword. And it looks then from there ...
There seems to be that the monotheistic religions is a fundamental problem with each other: they each claim to absolute truth - is also by the very existence of the other revealed religions made this claim in question considerably. The resulting Fight thus seems to last as long as, until only one remains of it. But then would continue the internal struggle for the true doctrine. So no end in sight. Those who kill in the name of God, has apparently always right. In the name of God, even the most terrible things are happening. Religion is not a guarantee of morality, quite the contrary ... (I refer to the analysis of David Hume).
The way out is: live and let live. The basis for this can only be a secular state with strict separation of politics and religion. With the Enlightenment, our society has become more peaceful and humane, if not the quasi-religious worship of money to counteract. Those groups in which to enforce the Enlightenment still could not have obvious shortcomings. Therefore must continue to be placed on the information in a legally and socially secure environment, the individuals from attacks - for example, of protesters - protects.
denigration makes any event, no fun!
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