Why do most bien Serbia always be?
a good question. There seems to be present with us a primal fear that was in Austria to this day not worked up and managed. A so-called Erbfehde. The relations between Austria and Serbia have always been problematic and there are even today. Always withdraw Austrian politician and diplomats on one side against Serbia position. Including most recently in the Kosovo issue.
Each country has to compete with all the splitting tendencies make strong, because otherwise made their own sovereignty and legal order in question. Austria also has opposed the division of Carinthia, Styria and Tyrol - Carinthia only in the case with success. France and Spain fight back against autonomy rights of the Basques and other language groups (Catalans in Spain, Corsicans, Bretons, and Occitans Lorraine in France). Virtually every country has minority language regions. Nevertheless, attention is paid to the political unit. And for good reason. Although it is often at the expense of minorities, for example if they denied for state political considerations of linguistic autonomy is, but this need not be so. There is another way. The important thing is that all are equal citizens of a country.
got to be any secession more problems than solutions. Because citizens are mobile - that is, it must take place after the separation, segregation and that's painful. Attacks and Flüchtlingsstörme are the result. There is more conflict than before.
everywhere in the world, the trend to larger political groups, because it brings mutual benefits, political stability and peace. Only the Balkans will be broken up. Political stability is being lost. Small states are meaningless. South Slavic has now already become meaningless. Our historical heritage
us obviously clouded the clear view of the Balkans. This applies to both the Serbs and the Turks. We should push aside our inherited patterns of thinking and seeing the world with open eyes. Sure, Serbia is an anachronistic nation-state. But Croatia is well! More objectivity instead of bias is needed.
Think different: we do not need any thought control!
a good question. There seems to be present with us a primal fear that was in Austria to this day not worked up and managed. A so-called Erbfehde. The relations between Austria and Serbia have always been problematic and there are even today. Always withdraw Austrian politician and diplomats on one side against Serbia position. Including most recently in the Kosovo issue.
Each country has to compete with all the splitting tendencies make strong, because otherwise made their own sovereignty and legal order in question. Austria also has opposed the division of Carinthia, Styria and Tyrol - Carinthia only in the case with success. France and Spain fight back against autonomy rights of the Basques and other language groups (Catalans in Spain, Corsicans, Bretons, and Occitans Lorraine in France). Virtually every country has minority language regions. Nevertheless, attention is paid to the political unit. And for good reason. Although it is often at the expense of minorities, for example if they denied for state political considerations of linguistic autonomy is, but this need not be so. There is another way. The important thing is that all are equal citizens of a country.
got to be any secession more problems than solutions. Because citizens are mobile - that is, it must take place after the separation, segregation and that's painful. Attacks and Flüchtlingsstörme are the result. There is more conflict than before.
everywhere in the world, the trend to larger political groups, because it brings mutual benefits, political stability and peace. Only the Balkans will be broken up. Political stability is being lost. Small states are meaningless. South Slavic has now already become meaningless. Our historical heritage
us obviously clouded the clear view of the Balkans. This applies to both the Serbs and the Turks. We should push aside our inherited patterns of thinking and seeing the world with open eyes. Sure, Serbia is an anachronistic nation-state. But Croatia is well! More objectivity instead of bias is needed.
Think different: we do not need any thought control!
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