In his manifesto, he also includes rights for animals with one. He is namely the equality of all "persons" and the recognition of the ability of animals suffering. From this he derives his civilizational claims which follow on from the classical ideas of the Enlightenment and humanist. He always retains the insights of evolutionary biology about the nature of man in the eye to try to create naturalistic, though not his ethics. He has stressed that this would be a gross error. His approach is thoroughly Epicurean. Eventually he lands in the Golden Rule, the ethic thoughts of any "selfish altruists.
I think it succeeds Schmidt-Salomon with this book, submit a proposal for a modern dominant culture, although the bar is set pretty high. He strives to remain free in his argument between ideology and dogmatism. As a result, his ethics is found not quixotic. The book is certainly a profitable source of inspiration for all unbiased thinking person.
Michael Schmidt-Salomon
Manifesto of Evolutionary Humanism
Alibri Verlag, Aschaffenburg 2006 (2nd edition)