rhythm is the Latin form of Greek Word rhythmos that a derivation of the verb rheo (I flow, compare to Latin rivus - Bach) is quiet and has described originally waves on the coast. One need only recall the Panta Rhei (everything flows) of Heraclitus . Today rhythm is an internationally used word in the sense of pulse , clock , meter , interval sequences, but often also for any other e sequence of events or event groups. Another derivation of the same verb is rheumatism (flowing Pain). If you know that it is rhythm, a Greek word, you need only say that it is written with TH, thus the case is clear, in a classic foreign word Ü only by a Y be played, and the initial sound can only be a RH - like all Greek words that begin with R. In compositions of this R usually doubled, as in arrhythmia, but unfortunately has not gotten around everywhere, so polyrhythms and biological rhythms only be written with an R. The truth is, however, that the eurythmy appears without H. The Greek prefix EU does not have a final position consonant, could merge with the initial sound -R (to-RRH), so also is the H, since the Ancient Greek in Inlaut (except just for double-R) H not know. Therefore, it should actually Philharmonic anhydride and hot, like you also Philipp (Hipp and Phil), tetrahedrons (not Tetra Heder), Exodus (not Exhodus) or anode (not Anhode) says. On H in Philharmonic and anhydride can be seen that this is to recharge, not from the ancient Greek language culture originate. Nevertheless, this is a sign of the success of classical Greek culture that there are still some words which are to be used worldwide and understood, even if the respective discussions today differ significantly from the original sounding. Classic said it practically from the way it was written: HRYTHMOS .
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